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Passé composé

What is passé composé?

Passé composé is a French past tense indicating completed actions or a chain of events. It is one of the two primary past tenses, commonly used for narrating specific incidents in the past.

How to Form Passé Composé?

  • Auxiliary Verbs:

    • Avoir (to have): Most verbs use avoir as the auxiliary.

      • Example: J'ai mangé (I ate).

    • Être (to be): Certain verbs use être.

      • Verbs involving movement or a change of state: aller, partir, sortir, rester, venir, descendre, monter, tomber, arriver, entrer, rentrer, retourner, revenir, devenir, mourir, naître.

        • Example: Elle est partie (She left).

      • ​​Reflexive Verbs: Reflexive verbs use être as the auxiliary when forming passé composé.

        • Example: Il s'est réveillé (He woke up).

  • Past Participles: what works most of the time is to remove the verb's infinitive ending (-er, -ir, or -re) and replace it with the appropriate ending (respectively -é, -i, or -u) to form the past participle in the passé composé.

    • -ER verbs always take the ending “é”

      • Example: Parler (to speak) → Parlé (spoken).

    • Most -IR verbs will take “i”

      • Example: Finir (to finish) → Fini (finished).

    • Most -RE verbs will take “u”

      • Example: Attendre (to wait) → Attendu (waited).

    • Irregular past participles:

      • Avoir (to have) → Eu (had)

      • Être (to be) → Été (been)

      • Prendre (to take), Comprendre (to understand), Apprendre (to learn)→ Pris, Compris, Appris

      • Mettre (to put), Promettre (to promise), Permettre (to allow) → Mis, Promis, Permis

      • Offrir (to offer), Couvrir (to cover), Ouvrir (to open), Découvrir (to discover), Souffrir (to suffer) → Offert, Couvert, Ouvert, Découvert, Souffert

      • Faire (to do/make), Dire (to say), Écrire (to write) → Fait, Dit, Écrit

      • Apercevoir (to glimpse): Aperçu

      • Pleuvoir (to rain): Plu

      • Pouvoir (to be able to): Pu

      • Boire (to drink): Bu

      • Recevoir (to receive): Reçu

      • Connaître (to know): Connu

      • Croire (to believe): Cru

      • Savoir (to know): Su

      • Devoir (to have to): Dû

      • Tenir (to hold): Tenu

      • Lire (to read): Lu

      • Vivre (to live): Vécu

      • Obtenir (to obtain): Obtenu

      • Voir (to see): Vu

      • Vouloir (to wish, want to): Voulu

How to use passé composé?

1. With Negation: In negative sentences, "ne/n'.. pas" surrounds the auxiliary verb.

  • Example: Nous n'avons pas fini (We didn't finish).

2. With Adverbs: Short and frequent adverbs like déjà (already), souvent (often), and toujours (always) are usually placed between the auxiliary verb and the past participle.

  • ​Example: J'ai déjà mangé (I have already eaten).

3. With Pronouns: Object pronouns are placed before the auxiliary in the passé composé.

  • Example: Je l'ai vu (I saw him/her).

4. With interrogatives: inversion of the auxiliary verb and the subject for formal interrogative structures.

  • Example: as-tu fini ton coup de fil ? (Have you finished your phone call?).​

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